Our Work

What CUB does for customers

CUB’s intervention on behalf of ratepayers in utility rate cases, power supply cost recovery cases and other kinds of regulatory cases has led to measurable savings for ratepayers. These savings come from the outcomes of cases leading to lower rate or surcharge increases on customers than the amounts initially proposed by the utilities in those cases.

CUB’s intervention work consists of expert witness testimony filed in cases to argue for the best interests of customers. This work is primarily funded by grants from the state of Michigan’s Utility Consumer Participation Board (UCPB). From 2019 to 2022, CUB spent $208,146 from grants from the UCPB, and the work these grants funded led to case outcomes that saved ratepayers $84.08 million. That is a return on its UCPB investment of $312 for each $1.

These numbers are estimates from the UCPB annual reports, and as of July 2024, the 2022 annual report was the most recent. Check back here for more updated numbers when available.

Rate Case / IRP Updates

Read about electric and natural gas rate cases and integrated resource plan cases in which CUB is involved.

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Find reports from CUB, including our annual Utility Performance Report, that ranks Michigan utilities compared to utilities around the country on key performance metrics.

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CUB sponsors testimony from expert witnesses in a wide variety of utility regulatory cases to support the interests of residential customers. Here, we provide some examples of this work.

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Need to know more about utilities? Check out our Utilities 101!

Read our primer on electric and natural gas utilities and learn to be an informed consumer.

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