Citizens Utility Board of Michigan Applauds MI Power Grid Initiative


Contact: Amy Bandyk – [email protected]

Earlier today, Governor Whitmer and the Michigan Public Service Commission announced a new initiative “designed to guide Michigan residents and businesses through the energy industry’s rapid changes in the transition to clean energy” called MI Power Grid.

Based on what we have seen so far, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) of Michigan sees great promise in the MI Power Grid initiative to empower ratepayers to control their energy use and cut their bills. The effort is placing a large emphasis on energy customers – from expanded clean energy options to a focus on ratepayer value from new investments.

“We’re pleased to see that the MI Power Grid initiative involves not only educational components and opportunities for further discussion, but also real action that will benefit residential utility customers through rulemaking and evidentiary hearings,” said Amy Bandyk, executive director of CUB of MI.