Press Release: New Report Finds That Michigan Is One of the Worst States for Power Outages, Energy Affordability and More

Shortly after hundreds of thousands of Michigan utility customers lost power on Dec. 11 in an event that is the latest sign of our deteriorating electric grid, the residential ratepayer advocacy group the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) of Michigan is releasing the 2021 edition of its Utility Performance Report, a scorecard that compares Michigan utilities to peers nationwide. The report finds that Michigan is for the most part doing poorly on critical metrics like electric reliability and the level of environmental impacts from the energy sector. Despite these shortcomings, however, Michigan residents pay some of the highest rates in the country.

ā€œUnreliable and expensive energy is a big problem that makes life more difficult for Michiganders, and also harms our stateā€™s economy,ā€ CUB of Michigan President-Elect Keith Cooley said. ā€œThis report lays out the scope of the problem. Our regulators and representatives should take notice and make reforms.ā€

The annual report compiles the most recent federal data and shows how Michigan continues to rank among the worst states on many important utility performance measures. For example, the average time to restore power following an outage was nearly six hours in Michigan, several hours longer than in neighboring states. Michigan also was among the states where power plants emit the most harmful sulfur dioxide pollution.

The release of this yearā€™s Utility Performance Report comes when the public spotlight is on Michiganā€™s poor utility service. A string of widespread power outages over the summer that left hundreds of thousands of Michiganders in the darkā€”in some cases for daysā€”has led to a bipartisan outcry from state legislators, the governorā€™s office and nonprofit groups that something needs to change.

ā€œMichigan residential customers need to know that the disruptions they experience from frequent and lengthy power outages are not solely a result of bad weather or other factors outside the utilitiesā€™ control,ā€ CUB of Michigan Executive Director Amy Bandyk said. ā€œRather, the data in our report show that Michigan residents experience longer power outages and higher costs of energy than experienced in other states, including all of the other states in the Great Lakes region. These findings suggest that Michiganā€™s problems are rooted in the poor performance of its specific utilities.ā€

This report covers more topics than previous editions, including data on the impacts of Michiganā€™s power sector on water consumption, data around Michiganā€™s high CO2 emissions from natural gas and a fuller picture of the affordability of home heating sources in Michigan.

The new report, Utility Performance Report: Ranking Michigan Amongst the States 2021 Edition, uses the most recent available information from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.


The Citizens Utility Board of Michigan (CUB of MI) was formed in 2018 to represent the interests of residential energy customers across the state of Michigan. CUB of MI advocates on behalf of Michigan utility customers to ensure that Michiganders pay the lowest reasonable rate for reliable utility services and also benefit from the environmental implications of cost-effective investment in clean energy. CUB of MI is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization whose members are individual residential customers of Michiganā€™s energy utilities. For more information, visit